Re: Accepting Genesis 1 as scientific truth

George Andrews (
Mon, 17 May 1999 16:14:11 -0400

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I for one, appreciate this post very much; it goes a long way in preserving the
Truth of Genesis and allows me to do science free of bias; i.e. explore God's
Creation from a scientific viewpoint.

Would you feel inclined to comment upon the Enuma Elish (spelling ?); in
particular, its dating, corollaries and DIFFERENCE between it and Genesis
creation account? It has helped me understand the Genesis account tremendously
and it may do so for others unaware of it. Perhaps it will liberate; perhaps it
will inflame; but in my opinion, it is to be reckoned with.

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I for one, appreciate this post very much; it goes a long way in preserving the Truth of Genesis and allows me to do science free of  bias; i.e. explore God's Creation from a scientific viewpoint.

Would you feel inclined to comment upon the Enuma Elish (spelling ?); in particular, its dating, corollaries and DIFFERENCE between it and Genesis creation account? It has helped me understand the Genesis account tremendously and it may do so for others unaware of it. Perhaps it will liberate; perhaps it will inflame; but in my opinion, it is to be reckoned with.

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