Re: Johann Beringer

Glenn R. Morton (
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 19:59:17 -0500

At 07:34 PM 10/24/98 -0400, George Murphy wrote:
> A.D. White of course has a brief description of the episode. It doesn't
>answer your questions, but he refers to "the encyclopedia of Ersch and
Gruber >and the _Allgemeine deutsche Biographie_" for more on Beringer.
I'd guess >that Beringer, like almost everyone else at the time, simply
assumed that >species could not be destroyed (except, perhaps, for the
Flood). The >assumption that God is in the business of maintaining the
status quo is quite >unbiblical but was widely held, & the eventual
acceptance of extinction was >traumatic for many - Eiseley has a nice essay
on this, "How Death Became >Natural", in _The Firmament of Time_.

thanks, your explanation is what I expect to be the truth, but I am trying
to be sure, to document that it was his believe that animals wouldn't go
extinct that drove him.

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