
Inge Frette (
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 09:21:32 +0100

Hello folks !

This is a greeting to all of you who participate on this listserver, to
the people in ASA and to the moderator of this list server.

I just want to tell you how much I enjoy being on
this list. I have come to know many you (indirectly, since I have never
met you ) through the e-mail exchanges. I have learned a lot both in the
subject of theology and in the different scientific diciplines, and how
to think about the relationship between them. Your humble attitude towards
these questions have influenced me a lot in how to approach these questions
in a way that may honour God.
It is a priviledge to communicate and exchange ideas with you folks.
Your knowledge are immense.
And I am very thankful for all this. It is good to know that if I have
a question there is always someone on this listserver that can help me
with answers or direct me to relevant literature.

I also find it interesting that the importance of several questions are to
some extend determined geographically. Surely the questions related to
young earth creationism are far less discussed here in Norway than it seems
to be in USA. Still so, I think it is important to be up to date on what is
going on in the churches in USA.

Keep up the good work folks !

I am not leaving this listserver; just wanted to share with you all how much
I benefit from being on this list. Thanks !

Best regards from the far north,


Olav Inge Frette Schlumberger Geco-Prakla
Voice : (+47) 6678 8061 (direct) Software Craft
: (+47) 6678 8000 (switchboard) Schlumberger House
Fax : (+47) 6678 8500 Solbraaveien 23
mailto: N-1370 Asker, NORWAY