Re: Social Problems--Part A

Russell Maatman (
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 10:26:21 -0600

Burgy wrote on Friday, February 13, 1998 5:51 PM:

> Russell wrote:
> "1. A Christian minister confided to a close friend, "I know a young
> woman
> who is a lesbian. It's not so bad as long as she and her partner care for
> each other, stay together, and don't have any other partners." Christians
> often agree with this idea because they believe that care and fidelity,
> Christian virtues, are of prime importance in sexual matters. For them,
> even same-sex "marriages" are permissible if care and fidelity are
> present."
> He then continued his article as if the minister (above) was "clearly
> wrong."
> Be aware, Russell, that not all Christians hold that a same-sex physical
> relationship is proscribed by Scripture. And a reasonably good argument
> along that line can be made, and has been made.

It is not a matter of what "Christians hold." We ought to discuss what the
Bible teaches. Of course, any one of us might interpret the Bible
incorrectly. I have presented what I think the Bible says about what
marriage is and what sex is in relation to marriage. I'd appreciate it if
you would show me where my biblical arguments are incorrect. For reference:
most of my argument on marriage and sex is in Part B, with some reference
back to Part A.

Briefly: In Genesis marriage is defined as the union of one man and one
woman. In several places in the Bible, the church is described as the bride
of Christ. In Ephesians, Paul teaches that human marriage is to be modeled
after the church's relation to Christ. So God's plan of redemption itself
is linked to the nature of marriage. Just as the entire Bible has one
message, God's plan of redemption, this social institution, marriage, is
based on and to be examined in relation to God's plan of redemption. One
note: I hope that no one infers from the Bible that "sexual union" is to be
considered apart from marriage.

The previous paragraph is very brief. I hope that any response to my
argument is specific, that is, response to the exact biblical references
I've already given. And, I hope that this admittedly controversial subject
can be discussed the way Christians should discuss--in love.

> For my notes/review of two books which take opposing sides on this issue,
> ask me and I'll send them to you (or anyone) e-mail.

I would like to see this review.

> Same-sex sex may indeed be a "bad thing," but I think you have to defend
> that position from other arguments than the Bible. Otherwise the case is
> just too weak.

Perhaps the perceived weakness or strength will emerge as we discuss the
biblical text.

> The issue is not perversion, or "gay bars," etc. The issue is whether (or
> not) God disapproves of same-sex sex within the bounds of a loving adult
> monogamous long term relationship. If He does, of course, the issue is
> closed. And if you can show that from Scripture, the issue is closed. I,
> for one, am convinced that you cannot make such a case from Scripture.

Neither do I want to base the argument on such perversions.

Again, I hope that we can talk about these things in the way Christians


Russell Maatman
Home: 401 5th Avenue
Sioux Center, IA 51250