Re: On Ethics again

Moorad Alexanian (alexanian@UNCWIL.EDU)
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 08:39:25 -0500 (EST)

At 12:52 PM 1/29/98 -0700, John W Burgeson wrote:
>Moorad wrote:
>" Perhaps the issue
>of Christian Ethics is not all that complicated. The present furor and
>emphasis of ethicists, etc. may be a sign of man's disobedience and lack
>knowledge of Who God truly is. "
>I think I'll have to disagree, my friend. At least it is not
>uncomplicated to me.
>At age 64, with a physics education (MS), a physics and computer science
>career behind me, I returned to college to take a couple of courses I'd
>missed. "Introduction to Philosophy" was a snap -- I really learned a lot
>and, while I'd hardly feel qualified to teach the subject, I felt I had
>a decent handle on the basics.
>Then I took "Ethics," from the same professor, a dedicated lifelong
>Christian, by the way. After the course, I've continued reading. I used
>to have some very clear positions on a lot of issues -- the reason they
>were clear is that I'd never studied them seriously. Abortion, homosexual
>acts, cloning, etc. etc. From having "the answers" on these, and other
>issues, I came to realize I did not yet even have the right questions!
>Well -- that's how I see it from here, anyway.
> Burgy

Dear Burgy,

I just have one comment. "But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of
many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the
body." Perhaps your clear positions prior to taking the course were the
correct one. If your earlier positions where biblically based, then I would
reconsider your "new knowledge."

Take care,
