Re: Heat a straw man

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 18:12:29 -0600


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. This equation is a keeper. :-)

It was pointed out to me privately that the calculation I presented ignores
the influence of the heat absorbed from the environment but oppositely
ignored the tremendous ability to sweat to remove heat. My purpose was not
to necessarily do a spiffy job on calculating body temperature but to show
that such meals would not burn you up.

At 10:53 AM 1/22/98 -0500, D. Eric Greenhow, M.D.,Ph.D. wrote:
>There is a formula for the calculation of Body Surface Area. Body Surface
>Area is very important in the calculation of many drug dosages, and in the
>calculation of blood flow for Cardiac Bypass Machines for open heart
>surgery, and so on. The formula is
> Body Surface Area = Weight(kgs)to the power 0.425 times
> Height(meters)to the power ).725 times
> 0.007184
>This results in a range of 1.6 to 2.0 for most adults.
>This formula can be found in most physiology textbooks.


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