Re: We are losing. Big time.

Terry M. Gray (
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:45:46 -0700

Burgy asked:

>Their web site received 95,000 hits in 1997. How many did the ASA site
>record? had 85,186 hits in the year between 7/1/96 to 6/30/97. This
is raw hits. I don't know if the 95,000 refers to "raw hits" or if they
record a web page with its accompanying graphics as a single hit. Our
documents are mostly text, but the home page has 5-6 documents associated
with it, the Wiens article has about 10 (so that the over 2000 hits on the
Wiens article between 7/1/96 and 6/30/97 resulted in 20,000 hits to the web
site). Archive documents from the listservs and most of the PSCF articles
are just one document.

I haven't done a recent analysis but it seems that we're averaging about
20,000 hits per month. A big jump occurred after moving the
and archives to and letting AltaVista
and other search engines index them. Perhaps half of the hits are to
archived listserv documents.

Frankly, I don't think this is so bad for such a modest operation. The
Wiens article on radiometric dating continues to be a very popular article
getting between 200 and 300 hits per month. I also think that people like
Eugenie Scott are watching us. I do believe that part of what happened at
NABT is a result of the influence of ASA and the "we" that you refer to.


Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801