Re: A dog by any other name

John W. Burgeson (
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 16:17:46 -0700

>>What we mean is intelligent supernatural agent. Angels fit that
category. Is there any other category besides natural and

Disagree with sentence #1.

Two categories encompass the whole:


I continue to assert that science cannot address the second.

In the first category, natural, there are

intelligences less than humanity, chimps, for instance,
intelligences grater than humanity

The last of these is still a null set. But efforts such as the SETI
experiments continue to look for instances.

What the ID people are saying is that ID arguments suggest the set my not
be null. Yes -- they also say the evidences possibly point to the
supernatural. Both are possibilities. I assert that the first is
"science" and the second a valid philosophical inference from that

Prediction. In the next 20 years SETI will discover evidence of what is
now the null set above. At that time, we are going to see some
interesting philosophical hoops jumped through.
