What are physical "laws"?

John P. McKiness (jmckines@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 20:19:05 -0600

At 07:37 PM 1/15/98 -0400, David wrote:
> He (God) acts in accord with the physical laws He made.
>David C.

I have seen this statement many times through the years on this list and it
has always bothered me (I have said similar statements in the past myself
and they have hainted me also). So I would like to direct the following
question to everyone, not just David, as food for thought and discussion.

Question, Did God make (created) the physical laws which the physical cosmos
must obey or are the physical laws a human creation to explain God
consistent activity in His creation?

My answer to the question is that these "laws" are human approximations
which attempt to explain God's consistent activity in and with His creation.
