
John W. Burgeson (johnburgeson@juno.com)
Sun, 11 Jan 1998 18:40:14 -0700

George Murphy wrote:

>>OK, I've been somewhat hyperbolic in describing the ID claims,
but I think perhaps you're being a bit elliptic.>>

I love that! < G >

I also appreciate your reply. I know we see things differently, and that
does not bother me. I hope it does not bother you!

We very likely are reading far different publications -- you mentioned
CHRISTIANITY TODAY and I don't follow that one. I suspect your main
concern is that ID may well "hurt" Christianity by espousing a deviant
doctrine, and, if so, I understand that and have no particular competence
to discuss it. I on the other hand, am interested almost exclusively in
the science possibilities of ID, and not much else (as far as ID is

My best to you, my hyperbolic friend.

Burgy (the ellipse)