Re: > PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)

Jan de Koning (
Wed, 07 Jan 1998 14:18:28 -0500

Do I read it right? Was Augustine the first man, who brought on us the
results of the original sin?
I don't know what 50%of readers on this list are, but I do know I am not
the only Christian Reformed Calvinist on it, who believes that we all
sinned in Adam, and that the earth in its entirety suffered because of it.
Only through the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ we will be able to see
the New Earth.
The Bible tells us clearly, that through Adam's sin the earth was
condemned. It is exactly for that reason that we can say, that we do not
live on a perfect earth, and that it does not make sense to say that this
earth is intelligently designed. Our daily human sin makes this a very
imperfect earth. How are we going to decide which qualities of our earth
are destroyed by sin?
As I have often said before, the first eleven chapters of the bible are not
necessarily history in the modern sense of the word. They are history of
the church allright, but it does not mean that we understand each word as
it should be understood. The Christian Reformed Church had a study
committee on these things, reporting to its 1991 synod. Please, try to get
a copy of it before accusing Augustine.
No, it will never stop,if we don't listen to each other.

At 09:32 AM 07/01/98 -0600, Eduardo G. Moros wrote:
>> PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?) > > Dick Fischer ( >
>> ID doesn't work for me. If we are the product of ID, why do we > suffer
>from over 3,000 genetic disorders? Augustine's Original Sin which brought
>a curse on creation !! ASA - January 1998: PC vs. TE (Will it ever
>end?) PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)
> Dick Fischer (
> Tue, 07 Jan 1997 21:07:42 -0600 Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][
>subject ][ author ] Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: What is intellegent
>but neither supernatural nor human" Previous message: Arthur V. Chadwick:
>"Re: Terra" Next in thread: Karen G. Jensen: "Re: PC vs. TE (Will it ever
>end?)" Burgy wrote:
> >I had thought (as a long term ASA member and an "originator"
> >of this LISTSERV, that a number of us were of the PC persuasion, or,
> >perhaps, were as yet uncommitted to a choice between them.
> That would be fair to say. What percentage "a number of us" would
> be of the whole would be difficult to say, but I would venture less
> than 50%.
> >In any event, as one previously "on the fence," I have decided to
> >take a position on the "PC side." Maybe I'll be the only one --
> >I don't know. I know George Murphy and Glenn Morton, two
> >members I respect very much, have taken the TE position. I
> >assume you have done this also. That's OK.
> I find TE scientifically in tune, but most TEers are liberal
> theologically, while my theology is staunch conservative, downright
> fundamentalist even. I take Genesis 1-11 literally, for example.
> The problem here is that my conservative Christian brothers tend
> to hold their interpretation of Scripture equal to Scripture. And
> if Genesis is mistranslated and misinterpreted, as is normally the
> case, it is made to appear to be in conflict not only with science
> but history to boot.
> ID doesn't work for me. If we are the product of ID, why do we
> suffer from over 3,000 genetic disorders? Clever design would be a
> better nomenclature. That would be easier to see through and would
> help distinguish the Creator's method of creation (TE) from that
> proposed by His short-sighted, but otherwise well-intentioned
> defenders.
> Dick Fischer
> Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: What is intellegent but neither
>supernatural nor human" Previous message: Arthur V. Chadwick: "Re: Terra"
> Next in thread: Karen G. Jensen: "Re: PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)"