> PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)

Eduardo G. Moros (moros@castor.wustl.edu)
Wed, 07 Jan 1998 09:32:12 -0600

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> PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)
> Dick Fischer (dfischer@mnsinc.com)
> ID doesn't work for me. If we are the product of ID, why do we
> suffer from over 3,000 genetic disorders?

Augustine's Original Sin which brought a curse on creation !!
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<title>ASA - January 1998: PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)</title>
<h1>PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)</h1>
Dick Fischer (<i>dfischer@mnsinc.com</i>)<br>
<i>Tue, 07 Jan 1997 21:07:42 -0600</i>
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Burgy wrote:<br>
<i>&gt;I had thought (as a long term ASA member and an "originator"</i><br>
<i>&gt;of this LISTSERV, that a number of us were of the PC persuasion, or,</i><br>
<i>&gt;perhaps, were as yet uncommitted to a choice between them.</i><br>
That would be fair to say. What percentage "a number of us" would<br>
be of the whole would be difficult to say, but I would venture less<br>
than 50%.<br>
<i>&gt;In any event, as one previously "on the fence," I have decided to </i><br>
<i>&gt;take a position on the "PC side." Maybe I'll be the only one --</i><br>
<i>&gt;I don't know. I know George Murphy and Glenn Morton, two </i><br>
<i>&gt;members I respect very much, have taken the TE position. I</i><br>
<i>&gt;assume you have done this also. That's OK.</i><br>
I find TE scientifically in tune, but most TEers are liberal <br>
theologically, while my theology is staunch conservative, downright <br>
fundamentalist even. I take Genesis 1-11 literally, for example.<br>
The problem here is that my conservative Christian brothers tend <br>
to hold their interpretation of Scripture equal to Scripture. And <br>
if Genesis is mistranslated and misinterpreted, as is normally the<br>
case, it is made to appear to be in conflict not only with science <br>
but history to boot.<br>
ID doesn't work for me. If we are the product of ID, why do we <br>
suffer from over 3,000 genetic disorders? Clever design would be a <br>
better nomenclature. That would be easier to see through and would <br>
help distinguish the Creator's method of creation (TE) from that <br>
proposed by His short-sighted, but otherwise well-intentioned <br>
defenders. <br>
Dick Fischer<br>
<a href="http://www.orisol.com">http://www.orisol.com</a><br>
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<li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0075.html">Dick Fischer: "Re: What is intellegent but neither supernatural nor human"</a>
<li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0073.html">Arthur V. Chadwick: "Re: Terra"</a>
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<li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0080.html">Karen G. Jensen: "Re: PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)"</a>
