Re: Praclaux Crater and the global flood (fwd)

Allen Roy (
Tue, 4 Nov 1997 21:39:14 -0700 (MST)

Originally it was said:

>Remember that none of this 140 feet of sediment is rock and needs to be
>explained as post-flood since it is in a crater of a volcano that spewed ash
>out that landed on top of over 10,000 feet of presumed Flood-deposits.

As one of my friends said, it is hard to respond to this post without
knowing the full geologic structure of the area. It may very well be that
Flood catastrophists would place the volcanic activity as part of the last
events of the Flood rather than making it post-flood. So that the filling
of the crater occured during the latter part of the flood, and the pollen
reflects what ever concentrations of pollen was part of the soil load in
the surges of water that happened to sweep over the crater and leave
behind sedimentary layers.

On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, David Campbell wrote:
> >If one were to core the lake and pond sediments, one would find a
> >surprising stratification of a variety of pollen zones.
> Has this been done? I doubt that stratification is good enough to resolve
> changes on such a fine temporal scale-bioturbation mixes things very
> efficiently.

Bioturbation may well be a problem today, however, in a multi-event
Flood catastrophe, bioturbation would be unlikely to occure because of
the quick succession of burial of each layer. We find multiple layers of
sediments which reveal no bioturbation, but if today is the sample of the
past we should find multiple lyares of sediments fully bioturbated.

Allen Roy
Grand Canyon Creationary Geology Tours, see:
Daniel Prophecy Studies: