Re: >Re: Design Flaw in the Brain

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 31 Oct 1997 20:39:05 -0600

Hi Eduardo,

I wrote:
>> Re: Design Flaw in the Brain
>> But according to Terrance, the brain, being underspecified (informationally)
>> engages in a great survival of the fittest game among the neurons as it is
>> being formed.

At 10:57 AM 10/31/97 -0600, Eduardo G. Moros wrote:
>Ok., but survival of the fittest does no necessarily mean macroevolution, it
>could simply mean stasis.

If, as Deacon relates, a large percentage of the neurons are dying off, it
can't be described as stasis. Also apparently different neurons died in my
brain than in yours or anyone else's


Foundation, Fall and Flood