>Re: >Re: >Design Flaw in the Brain

Eduardo G. Moros (moros_eg@castor.wustl.edu)
Fri, 31 Oct 1997 10:15:11 -0600

Glenn Morton wrote:
> My point is this. We Christians have a bad habit of ignoring any data that
> contradicts our position. We justify this because we believe that our
> theological position is correct and will be verified in the future.
> Christians MUST live in the world as it IS, not as we WISH it to be or HOPE
> it will be in the future. Until we can become honest with the facts as
> reported by honest scientists we have no right to claim moral superiority.
> If this seems "negative" then so be it. I can not see how Christianity is
> helped by ignoring the huge gap between what IS and what we teach!

And I agree, we must be REALISTS and I understand your psotion (I read your
testimony in your webpages a while ago). Yet, no reason to go to the other
extreme. I respect you position at the same time I comment on it. My
position/decision is to be a REALIST. Just because there are "a few"
evidences for this ot that I will not accept it or try to mold in into a

