Re: ACG members and the age of the earth

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 15:19:07 -0700

>I agree. Grape juice is not wine, any more than the child is the adult: no
>maturation has taken place. "Unmature wine" strikes me as an oxymoron, on
>the order of "unmarried husband." Unless I, too, have joined the ranks of
>those "missing something," it seems to me that a necessary attribute of the
>identity of wine is that it should possess the appearance of age. And you
>are certainly right that God *could have* created the world with the
>appearance of age, but He could also have done otherwise. There's no
>necessity that attaches to either of these creative strategies. But if wine
>is to be wine -- and not grape juice -- it is necessary that it possess the
>appearance of age.

Find the words "grape juice" amnywhere in scripture. Were they a bunch of
winos? Give it some study before you assert your knowledge or lack
thereof. This is an issue for linguistics experts, not scientists, for
pity sakes.