Re: >Re: Theism and Science

Adrian Teo (
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 09:08:33 -0700

Dick Fischer wrote:
> This notion of a "control tower" God, advocated by the ID crowd
> has another dark side. It also calls our accountability into
> question. If God is so deeply involved in the intricacies of
> emerging life forms that He personally designs every feature,
> then at what point does He disengage? If God micro manages my
> physical character, is He also micro managing all my personal
> affairs such that He entirely controls my environment? At which
> point how would I be accountable for anything?
> It's not that God couldn't intervene in the procession of life
> or dabble in DNA if He wanted to, I just don't think He does.
> I further believe that attitude is consistent with what biologists
> think and consistent with Bible teaching.

This sounds like the classic issue of God's sovereignty and the free
will of humans. It appears to be one of the many paradoxes of our faith,
and at these points of tension, perhaps it is faith that is needed, more
so than reason.