Re: Theism and Science (and time travel)

Don N Page (don@Phys.UAlberta.CA)
Mon, 6 Oct 97 14:59:34 -0600

I don't see much to disagree with in George Murphy's recent posting
about the dangers of "an _independent_ natural theology," except for his final
remark, "BTW - you (Don) have apparently been time travelling. The dates

on your posts, at least as I have them, are October 199_5_." I agree with
George's data that my posts say 1995 (which I noticed for the first time last
night when I was listing the times of various postings for my message), but as
a general relativist (even without knowing any absolute proof against time
travel), I think a simpler interpretative hypothesis is that some clock
somewhere (presumably in my computer at home) is incorrectly set. Wait and see
how long it takes me to figure out how to reset it. (But you won't be able to
tell from messages, such as this one, sent from the computer in my office,
usually during the daytime.)

Don Page

P.S. This reminds me that during my Ph.D. candidacy exam after failing to give
a good explanation of quantum emission from black holes shortly after Hawking's
prediction of it (when I had been working on the problem myself before Hawking
and so in principle could have made the prediction myself if only I had been
much more competent), I was humilated by being told by Richard Feynman,
"Quantum mechanics was invented in 1926. Now it is 1972. You should learn
quantum mechanics." But my embarassment was mollified somewhat when other
members of the committee said, "Dick, Dick, it's 1973."