Re: Mining and Religion in Ancient Man

Dick Fischer (
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 22:40:26 -0500

Hi Pat, you wrote:

>"Cain could have lost his cultural attainment because of the prevalence
>of sin based on Genesis 4:12. Thus a considerable part of the economic
>culture as God gave it to humans before the Fall might have been lost at
>an early date and then rediscovered gradually (See Gen. 3:17-19). The
>advanced culture suggested by Cain's descendants can then be attributed to
>the arrival of civilization after many generations had elapsed and the
>human population had grown. This interpretation is borne out by Genesis
>4:17 that suggests the presence of dynasties or tribes instead of
>individuals, and this necessitated the building of a city. The lost
>civilizations implicated by the archaeological remains found in South and
>Central America lend credence to the possibility of an advanced culture
>that was wiped out suddenly."

Sorry Pat, too far from Southern Mesopotamia where the ziggurats were
built (ca. 3000 BC to 2000 BC) to biblical prescription (see Gen. 11:3)
to save themselves from floods like the one they had around 2900 BC as
reported in Genesis, Atrahasis, Ziusudra, Berossus, and the eleventh
tablet of Gilgamesh. All in the area of Tigris and Euphrates (Gen. 2:14)
mentioned in the Bible before Adam was created and placed in a garden
where a river flowed out of Eden (Gen. 2:10) to water it - the garden of
Eden was irrigated. Edin being a Sumerian/Accadian word meaning plain,
prairie, or desert.

The first city in southern Mesopotamia was Eridu. It was irrigated
and home to Adapa whose exploits parallel Adam. Adam was created,
so was Adapa. Adam was told he would eat "bread," Adapa was a baker.
Adapa refused the food and water of eternal life, and Adam was cut off
from the tree of life. Adam committed the first sin and Adapa brought
"diseases upon the bodies of men."

Cain built the city of Enoch, called by the Sumerians "E-Anna(k)" in the
Sumerian King List where the first king in the pre-flood period is called
Alulim. The last king in the pre-flood period, Ziusudra (meaning "he who
laid hold on life of distant days"), built a boat, loaded it with animals,
and you know the rest. The phrase "fountains of the deep" (Gen. 8:2) is
also found in Atrahasis and refers to irrigation. Every city named in the
first eleven chapters of Genesis are located in the same region. All the
patriarchs precede Abraham who lived in Ur (not Brazil).

I wonder if the guy who invented the wheel was ridiculed by guys
dragging sleds.

Dick Fischer