Re: Physics of a Mesopotamian Flood

Juli Kuhl (
Sun, 12 May 1996 21:20:00 -0400 (EDT)

My two cents...

> >You're familiar with the story of Shadrack and his friends who were
> >tossed into the fiery furnace? What a miracle that was! How do you
> >make a furnace seven times hotter than it ought to be? We all know
> >how furnaces operate. I couldn't take a furnace and figure out any
> >way to double the heat, let alone multiply it seven times. And that
> >was done by Nebuchadnezzer. Tackle that one with physics and math.
> >
> Use a bellows to heat the furnace hotter than normal.
Glenn, simple answers are the best! ;)

We don't see these effects anywhere....

I thought someone cited "complete geologic columns" in several
areas in diverse parts of the world in a recent posting. Doesn't that
"qualify" as an adequate "effect"? Does this evidence have to be
"everywhere" to convince geologists of a global flood? Not challenging
you, just wondering out loud...

> I never figured either of us would change the other's mind. But that is
> alright. Because of our debate, lots of people have had to face up to what
> they believe about the flood...

is "rethink" a better word than "believe"?
or how about "re-examine"? I sure can't explpain
"everything", and I sure don't want to have
"ignorant faith" or an "overly simplistic faith".
But at the same time I have come to the conclusion, tho'
I do not understand all things or fathom all mysteries,
my faith is based on Someone credible... "many infallible
proofs" by way of a first-century document including
eye witness reports will do, thank you!

> there is something wrong with teaching the laity that a view is scientific
> when it has major scientific flaws....

IMHO, both Dick and Glenn have eminently succeeded in this goal.
For that, my educated friends, I am very grateful to God!
Thank you!!

Juli Kuhl