Re: Kline in PSCF
Thu, 28 Mar 1996 12:07:18 -0500

Some comments made on this thread were:

>If God had waited until the hominids had evolved to Cro-Magnon, then
>breathed into some couple the breath of life to make them the first
>couple, what happened to the rest of the Cro-Magnon population? It doesn't
>seem to fit God's character to just wipe them out.

>Adam and Eve, the first "missionary couple" could have then told the other
>members of their community about God, and those who believed would have
>become men.

>Genesis 6:
>1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were
>born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were
>beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
>Could the answer be here?

After reading these I remembered an article I noticed in Science
recently. On page 1364 on the March 8, 1996 (Vol. 271, No. 5254) issue is a
report on some research into some specific genetic markers in the human
genome. The researchers found that or the 24 possible varieties of the
markers almost all exist in sub-Saharan Africa, a few exist in northeast
Africa, yet only _one_ exists throughout the rest of the world. The
tentative conclusion drawn is that humanity started in Africa but only a
select population of humans came out of northeast Africa to populate the
rest of the world.
This might explain the origin of Cain's wife and the people Cain
was afraid of when God excommunicated him. Of course racists could use
these findings to say, "So, Africans really are soulless subhumans."
At any rate I hope this provides some good grist for the rest of
you to run through the mill.

Mike Jaqua
Kalamazoo, MI
