Re: ASA: Children's resources?
Wed, 6 Mar 1996 07:53:32 -0500

glenn wrote:

>Having recently been through the mill trying to find a publisher for a
>theistic evolutionary manuscript, I can assure you that the conservative
>Christian publishers will not publish anything that does not follow the YEC
What publishers do Hugh Ross or Howard van Til use? Perhaps they
would be more open to your work and that of other "theistic evolutionists.

>This is not just an idiological problem. It is a marketing problem.
>Nationwide, how many Christian parents (or really what percentage) do you
>think want to buy a book which tells their children they are a reptiles
I'm not sure how many but it may be more than we usually imagine. I
think that a lot of Christians are like me in that they don't like having
to accept on "faith" a worldview that contradicts all the science they ever
learned. One indicator that many Christians are looking for a way to
integrate their faith with modern science is the response Focus on the
Family got when they had Hugh Ross on the show. According to Dr. Dobson
they got one of the largest responses ever from people who wanted Ross'
book. The common comment made by callers was that they were excited to
finally here a Christian scientist uphold the truth of scripture AND

Mike Jaqua
Kalamazoo, MI
