Re: Hox genes as phylogenetic markers

From: David Campbell (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 09:33:36 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: What do you do?"

    >I'm no expert on Molecular Biology, but my mentor in that field tells me that
    >horizontal gene transfer has made Hox genes, and perhaps other genes,
    >indicators of phylogenetic affinities. She cites a classic example in which
    >fruit fly, Drosophila, was found to have the "Eye" gene which controlled
    >of eyes in flies. The same gene was found to control eye development in the
    >But an even greater surprise came to find that C. elegans, the nematode
    >animal of Biologists, also had the Eye gene, even though that animal has no
    > She said this strange development had to be explained by interspecies
    >transfer, which has been observed in the laboratory. This phenomenon seems
    >to have
    >dimmed the bright hope that molecular affinities would enable certitude for
    >determining relatedness in construction of phylogenetic trees.

    Actually, nematodes such as C. elegans are more closely related to
    arthropods such as Drosophilia than either is to mice, so the common use of
    the gene in mice and Drosophilia is more surprising. Lateral gene transfer
    does not seem likely in this case; rather one of two other possibilities.
    On the one hand, the ancestral bilaterian may have used the Hox Eye gene
    for eyes. It thus survives in most if not all bilaterians, whether they
    have functional eyes or not. Hox genes are generally rather important in
    development, so major mutations there are likely to cause serious problems.
    Thus, the Eye gene can remain recognizable in nematodes that no longer use
    it. The other possibility is that the ancestral bilaterian had the
    ancestor of the Eye gene used for something that can easily evolve into
    eyes-some sort of anterior sensory nerve control. Its use for eyes in both
    vertebrates and arthropods would then be a case of parallel evolution.
    More detailed study of the relevant genes in other groups of bilaterians
    and in more basal animals, especially cnidarians and ctenophores, would do
    a lot to answer the question.

    Lateral gene transfer is certainly a problem for some molecular
    phylogenetic work. It seems especially easy in bacteria, perhaps because
    they do not have a nucleus and so cannot as easily distinguish stray DNA
    from their own (although there are other tricks like methylation). I think
    the current consensus for eukaryotes is that there was substantial fusion
    of archaean and eubacterial genomes in our ancestry. There are other
    possible confounding factors, such as organelle ancestry differing from
    organismal ancestry. However, the problems I have encountered in my own
    work on molecular phylogeny (in bivalves) seem to largely reflect lack of
    data or random convergence (long branch attraction, which results because
    DNA has only five options-A,G,T,C, deletion. Thus, two random strands will
    have some similarity).

    David C.

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