Resources in
this website, for teachers of natural sciences:

This page supplements the resources-and-tips you'll find in the
Sitemap for Whole-Person Education which says, "You want ideas
that will help you in general [these ideas are in the sitemap-page]
and also in a specific area you're teaching,"
as in this page and
in the analogous resource-pages for other areas.

        You're in the "core group" of the American Scientific Affiliation, since most of our members are in the natural sciences.  In the sitemap you can find many useful ideas for effective science education — for promoting thinking skills to combine Creativity and Critical Thinking into Scientific Method and Design Method (what are the relationships between science and engineering?) or exploring Stories & Debates about Science and Science Ministries in a Stewardship of Life and more — plus the essence of whole-person education in Science-and-Religion for Understanding and Personal Faith.

        Design of the Universe looks at the fine-tuning of nature, discovered in physics & astronomy and in other sciences, as in the life-allowing balances (with forces that are "just right") in the chemistry of enzymes and DNA.
        Age of the Universe & Earth uses knowledge from "historical sciences" like geology and astronomy.  But is historical science really science?  Were you there when it happened?  If not, then how can you know anything about the history of nature?   Evidence about age comes from a wide range of scientific fields, so we can evaluate it using the principle of Multiple Independent Confirmations.
        Claims for Intelligent Design usually involve biological evolution of complex life (can we detect intelligent design in biology?) or chemical evolution of the first life.  And what about applications in origins education?  If you're curious, you can explore a wide range of Creation Questions beginning at the homepage or sitemap or overview.

        Interesting stories that span a wide range of sciences (both natural and social) are gathered, almost every day, by Jack Haas for Science in the News.
A SITEMAP will help you explore the website for Whole-Person Education (with resources for Effective Education and Science-Theology Interactions, using a Multiple-Views Approach) and other parts of the ASA Website, plus TIPS FOR TEACHERS.

You're an expert in your areas, so...
if you want to help us improve our website — for example, if you have suggestions to make it better, or you've discovered a great web-resource and you tell us about it so we can share it with others — your assistance will be greatly appreciated.   How can you help?


APPENDIX (for a bonus topic)

        Is chemistry the central science?
        Physics, chemistry, and biology are the basic natural sciences, with domains ranging from fundamental laws of nature (studied in physics) that are applied in chemistry and (for complex living systems) in biology.  It can be useful to think of biology as "using" the results of chemistry, which "uses" the results of physics.
        Thus, chemistry is sometimes called The Central Science, and Allison Doerr (an editor of Nature Methods) says, "Some call chemistry the ‘central science’ and it's not hard to see why.  The huge range of projects in which chemistry researchers are involved cross paths with engineering, physics, earth sciences, medicine, and biology."
        But biology is also a "central science" with applications in many fields, including nutrition and medicine, psychology and sport-science.  So maybe we should think of chemistry (along with biology, and even physics, and other sciences) as being a central science, rather than the central science.
        Or maybe it should all be mixed together (at least in some ways, in some situations, for some purposes) as in Interdiciplinary Studies.

This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it,
 a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page.  Both keep everything inside this window, 
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were.

Here are tips-pages (to supplement
the SITEMAP described above) with
educational resources for teachers of
Biology, Chemistry, Physics plus Astronomy, Geology
  eclectic interdisciplinary studies (Environmental, Historical, etc) 
 Psychology, Sociology, History, and other Social Sciences     Education 
Mathematics and Computer Science     Engineering and Design
Science in Arts and Sports     Philosophy and Theology

plus useful ideas for teachers and students in all fields,
Science-and-Religion for Understanding and Personal Faith

This page, written by Craig Rusbult (editor of education website), is