Walking on Eggs, vitamin C & cocain!

From: silk (smbc1@wxs.nl)
Date: Sun Mar 11 2001 - 04:52:44 EST

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    Hi me, Silk:

    A piece on such institutions as the Taliban seems in order however a particular type of piece as most who comment on them & the Muslim world in general seem to have a great propensity for "pussy footing" around & walking on eggs! Like treating them with Kit gloves!" for example you've got guys like sadist hussein in Irak & gadaffi in Libya &
    of course mohammad in Afganistan or castro & others all over the globe of the same stripe! These thugs in reality know nothing of running a country nor do they understand economics! They are just bullys who've, by hook or crook, gotten a hold of the military & the police force in their respective countries & presto they control the people as the poeple in most countries, by & large are too busy just trying to keep their own heads above water to really understand anything about politics or whats taking place outside of their own miniscule circle! The thugs who bullied their way into power simply make sure they pay the military & police very well & extend to them many perks such as being above the law & in this scenario they (the dupes of the thugs in power {the military & police}) for 30 pieces of silver do the head bullys bidding. The people in countries lead by these self-serving sadistic "meglomaniac" bullys do not lead so comfortable an existence however the bullys live like kings & have their portraits plasterd all over the place! The welfare of the people is not at all the bullys main concern if to be sure he cares at all about them! The bully cares about them to the extent that they "produce"! Give um just enough, never more when less will do! Keep them down just enough but not so far that the bubble would burst! Where does the money come from to support the bullys extravagant life style & to extend the sacrilegious privileges to his supporters? Why from the fruits of the peoples toil thats where! The people are paying for their own jail & jailer! What is actually astounding is not the actions of the bully, no not at all, this is simply human greed & indifference & is as old as time itself, what is astounding is that the people living under this injustice, in many instances, applaud & admire the bully! This phenomenon is interesting to me? Ok, many feel they must put on this act of worship for their own well being however there are a good many who do "revere" the bully? I used to wonder why the people don't raise up in revolution & occasionally they do however with this divide & conqueor situation they live under & their totally unorganized state (the bullys no matter how ignorant they may be do only too well grasp this divide & conquer stance & smash any attempts at organization by the people!). It is true that many people are fanatics & will embrace any concept which allows them to vent their "fanaticism" in this case the koran & allah! It must (but for many is not) be patently obvious that any "god or its book or religion" who proclaimed & demanded so many unjust inhuman but "very convenient" things that the fanatics claim it does should be SCRAPED! I wonder is their not something like "The voice of America" broadcasting to these people what "really is" going on?? It is true that to many it would simply not penetrate & roll like water off a ducks back! A people get the government they deserve! ............................. and none dare call it treason! Some, no matter how educated nor logical on "other matters", desperately require someone or something to worship & this very potent need for worship blinds them, what more can I say????? chao/Silk

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