Re: Icons of Evolution

From: Susan Cogan (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 12:48:01 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Icons of Evolution"

    Bertvan! longtime no de-lurk. :-)

    The calvin evolution list is pretty much defunct. Most people are now
    chatting on creationevolutiondebate. You are already subscribed, you
    just need to send posts to

    >Just finished Icons of Evolution. If peppered moths, Darwin's finches,
    >four-winged fruit flies, and Haeckel's embrios are the best evidence
    >Darwinists had for random mutation and natural selection as an explanation of
    >macro evolution, it will be interesting to see what their second-best
    >evidence is.

    It is most certainly not the best evidence. It is what is in high
    school textbooks which Wells correctly points out are in a sorry
    state. However, what Wells thinks this means is extremely wrong.
    Creationists have worked for years to get as much as possible about
    evolution deleted from biology textbooks and are now complaining
    loudly that the evidence for evolution in textbooks is lousy.

    BTW I own several biology textbooks and couldn't find Heckel's
    drawings in any of them. I did find pictures of embryonic homologies
    which are vaguely similar to Heckel's drawings. If Wells is claiming
    those are Heckel's drawings he is being dishonest.


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    Dhammapada 223

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