This 'uncommited lurker' responds...

From: Dawn (
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 11:48:27 EDT

  • Next message: Wesley R. Elsberry: "Information request re: inclusion of ANS models as EA's"

    Greetings Lurkers and NonLukers,
    Okay, I admit it...I am one of the elusive uncommited lurkers you've been warned about. {Do not feed us after midnight and keep your hands within the confines of your conveyance at all times.}
    I am on a journey of understanding and knowledge. Since I knew relatively little about either side of this coin, I chose to join and inturn 'To Learn'...Not necessarily to 'actively participate'. It has been my experience that one learns best when one keeps one's mouth shut, observing and absorbing the knowledge of those more learned in a particular subject than oneself.
    Any questions that arose from my 'learn-by-lurk' technique were usually addressed quickly, without even having to ask.
    I know more now than I did when I first joined, however I doubt I could hold my own in a lively debate on the subject. I haven't the depth of knowledge that it appears each of you have in this matter, nor will I ever. Which is fine, since that was not my purpose in joining.
    The posts have been educational, certainly... sometimes funny, sometimes boring, sometimes heated, sometimes so far over my head I couldn't see dry land...but always informative.
    Through it all I have come to two main conclusions:
    1. Evolutionist and IDers will NEVER see eye to eye, thus the debate will continue infinitum.
    2. Some things are not meant to be deconstructed and put into a tidy little box with tidy little labels.
    And there you have it folks, the straight goods from one uncommited lurker. Questions?
    D. Hanks

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