Re: The Future for ID

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 12:54:20 EDT

  • Next message: "Human designers vs. God-as-designer"

    >>Well, I hope I am not that naïve, I'm not really a "true-believer"
    >>on this issue, but I do confess to not drinking coffee. Nevertheless, I
    >>can "see" a very different future than the ID critic and it doesn't even
    >>depend on some sensational ID break-through.
    >>It's just in the cards.
    >>Shall I explain?
    >I would be very interested in reading your scenario. I've always enjoyed
    >science fiction. ;-)
    >Richard Wein (Tich)
    >PS Well done for putting that diaeresis on the word naive. I bet that took
    >some work!

    nöt ïf hé ùsês ã Mäc :-)



     I am aware that the conclusions arrived at in this work will be denounced
    by some as highly irreligious; but he who denounces them is bound to shew
    why it is more irreligious to explain the origin of man as a distinct
    species by descent from some lower form, through the laws of variation and
    natural selection, than to explain the birth of the individual through the
    laws of ordinary reproduction.

    ---Charles Darwin

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