Re: NS and intelligent designers

Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 02:47:05 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: NS and intelligent designers"

    In a message dated 10/5/2000 11:45:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    > DNAunion asks:
    > [...]
    > DU>That sounds like an oxymoron to me. If you have any kind of
    > DU>intelligence and design involved in the selection process,
    > DU>then it is not NATURAL selection, be definition. What am I
    > DU>missing?
    > [...]
    > DNAunion is precisely right in saying that NS is not an
    > intelligent designer. However, NS has exactly the same
    > characteristics that Dembski claimed uniquely identified
    > intelligent designers in TDI. My comment that by Dembski's
    > criteria, NS could be held to be an intelligent designer was
    > meant to convey to the reader the concept that Dembski's
    > argument was flawed, not that NS actually therefore *was* an
    > intelligent designer. The
    > actualization-exclusion-specification triad that Dembski
    > extols is not exclusive of natural selection.
    > I hope that clears things up.

    That's what I tried to convey but your explanation is much clearer of course.

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