Re: Human designers vs. God-as-designer

From: Ralph Krumdieck (ralphkru@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU)
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 14:44:15 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: The future for ID"

    >Hi Bertvan

    Since you brought up the word "simplistic", could you give us your
    understanding of it? No sense wasting time and energy if we're
    working under different definitions. My own definition implies
    simple, uncomplicated, no or few layers or levels, etc.

    >Hi Ralph,
    >I suppose simplistic is one of those words for which we each have our own
    >definition. My concept of ID is not much more than an observation that nature
    >seems to be the result of intelligence, and while chance plays a part in all
    >of nature, I doubt chance played an important role in the creation of
    >nature's complexity. I don't give much thought to the possible roll of
    >aliens. You seem to think "it just happened" to be a more reasonable
    >explanation than God (or something) did it at the start. Everyone to their
    >own taste. Until I have a better understanding of nature, I can't rule
    >anything out, including RM&NS, YEC, or Aliens.

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