Re: Reply to CCogan: Waste and computer evolution

Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 14:27:00 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Reply to CCogan: Waste and computer evolution"

    In a message dated 10/3/2000 10:49:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    > DNAunion: So? IDists, including Behe, do not deny that evolution occurs.
    > Behe's book is subtitled "The Biochemical CHALLENGE to Evolution", not "The
    > Biochemical REFUTATION of Evolution". In addition, Behe states he finds
    > the
    > argument for commone descent convincing and accepts that Darwinian
    > evolution
    > accounts for much biological change.
    > It is a straw man to present ID and evolution as being mutually exclusive.

    It would be interesting to find out how ID took place. The lack of pathways
    and IC systems does not make for good science.

    Behe's mechanism

        "During the Q & A, Simon Conway Morris was the moderator. When my hand
        went up he called on me. [I took this as evidence supporting the
        hypothesis that he liked my question during his talk :-) --grm] I
        asked Behe that he has spent a lot of time talking about what wouldn't
        work and asked him to tell us what would work--if not evolution, what,
        then? Miracles? Behe stumbled around a bit and finally said that God
        inputs information into living system all along the way."


    "Ptashne pushed Meyer to define whether or not the DNA for each species was
    individually designed by God and tell him where and when God did this.
    Sokar asked "Can you make one empirical prediction from your model?" Meyer
    replied that Dembski had made a prediction that he could find the missing
    elements in the origin of life scenarios. Presumably this was the
    information. "


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