Re: Glen Morton Waco Conference reports

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Sun Oct 01 2000 - 06:33:27 EDT

  • Next message: "intelligence without a brain"

    From: Susan Brassfield Cogan <>

    >At 02:55 PM 09/30/2000 -0400, you wrote:
    >>Very interesting reading
    >yes indeed. Glenn Morton used to be in this group--a Christian theist
    >arguing the evolutionist viewpoint--and I miss him.

    Reading Glenn's report, I was very impressed by his patience and
    persistence. I freely admit that I have quite a short fuse, and, after a few
    exchanges with a correspondent who is talking nonsense, I tend to give up
    trying to persuade and resort to ridicule. Glenn, on the other hand, seems
    to persist, day after day, year after year, politely wearing down the
    resistance of those who are trying to close their eyes to the facts, and
    eventually, in some cases, getting them to open their eyes a little.

    Glenn mentions a few instances where anti-evolutionists at the conference
    were struck by the weakness of the arguments of ID proponents. So it seems
    that there are open-minded anti-evolutionists out there. It's just a shame
    that we don't seem to have any of them here in this forum. (Oops...there I
    go again.)

    Another thing that impressed me was how people of all shades of opinion
    could be very friendly in their social interractions with each other at the
    conference. I think the impersonal medium of the internet tends to bring out
    the worst in people. I expect that, if I met Stephen Jones in the flesh, I
    would find him to be a fine fellow, and I would have far more respect for
    him than I've gained from his disembodied posts. So, Stephen, if you ever
    visit Perfidious Albion, please do look me up!

    Richard Wein (Tich)

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