Randomness and complex organization via evolution

From: Bertvan@aol.com
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 18:26:57 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: Randomness and complex organization via evolution"

    >> Tedd:
    >>>Burden of proof isn't assigned by anyone, it just falls on the
    >>>person who wants to change the minds of others. (Generally the
    >>>majority is not as interested in changing the minds of the

    >> Bertvan
    >> Hi Tedd: I'm grateful to be spared any "burden of proof", because I don't
    >> want to change anyone's mind about atheism, theism, materialism, free
    >>RM&NS, ID or any detail of evolution.
    > Why are you on this list if you don't want to influence in any way?
    >Aren't you trying to influence me towards a particular point of view
    > right now?

    Absolutely not. I am familiar with many of your views, and know you are
    committed to them. I am on this list to express a minority view. Stephen
    seems to be the one of the few, if not the only theist active on the list,
    and I seem to be the only other skeptic of orthodox Darwinism. Would you be
    happier if all skeptics were driven from the list? Then you could all sit
    around and tell each other how brilliant and reasonable you are and how
    ignorant and stupid everyone is who might dare to disagree with you. That is
    what happens to most of these boards. I post merely to encourage any lurker
    who is already skeptical of RM&NS plus drift as an explanation of evolution.
     In addition, I wouldn't find it very stimulating to interact only with
    people who are in agreement with me. I learn a lot from the reactions of you
    people with whom I disagree. (Not what most of you wish I would learn, I

    > No, I think you want to influence those who are attempting to
    > engage the ID's to shut up and let everyone have their own
    >opinion, independently of data and hypotheses.

    I assure you I would never hope to have the slightest influence upon anyone
    with an emotional attachment to materialism, Darwinism, Atheism or anything
    else that is argued on these boards. Nor would I want to "shut anyone up".
    Most of the arguments for and against ID are known, and I don't get much
    satisfaction from repeating them. Stephen does a good job of discussing the
    scientific details of ID, and I've noticed that you have found a board
    devoted to scientific discussion of ID, and engage in long, technical
    discussions with them. They show no evidence of trying to "shut you up".


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