Re: The Question of Starting Point Premises, and the Burden of Proof for Non-Naturalism

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 09:53:13 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: Empirical evidence for evolution?"

    At 08:50 PM 07/02/2000, you wrote:
    >Would not the recent study showing the healing power of prayer serve as
    >proof of the existence of supernatural forces, or at the very least
    >substantial evidence in favor of their existence?

    No. It would merely serve as evidence for some as-yet-unknown force or
    process. Why would anyone think that it was a *supernatural* force any more
    than they would for evidence that, say, teleportation was possible? The
    supernatural is, if it exists, outside the naturally-occurring realm, not
    just any fact that we currently don't understand. It is something that
    *cannot* be attributed to natural forces that we don't yet know about, or
    to aliens, etc.

    In any case, the study was badly flawed, or else the *effect* of praying
    began *before* the praying did. Take a look at the analysis in the May/June
    2000 issue of Skeptical Inquirer. When you hear about studies that are
    claimed to show such things, you should be instantly suspicious because so
    many similar claims in the past have turned out to be false or outright

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