Re: macroevolution or macromutations? (was ID) 1/2

Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 13:21:14 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: macroevolution or macromutations? (was ID) 1/2"

    >How about puzzling out the design process? How would that differ
    >from evolutionary biology?

    How does one puzzle out a design process? By looking at a painting can it
    determined if the backround or the subject was painted first?

    If you look at streaks on a dirty car can you tell if it was rained on or
    hit by a lawn sprinkler?

    The new Boeing planes are designed 100% by computer. By looking at a
    Boeing plane can you tell if it was designed on paper or computer?

    After a forest fire is out, can you tell by inspecting the burnt trees if
    it was started by lightning or a match?

    By looking at children, dogs, cows, deer, or rabbits can it be determined
    if their conception was intentional, accidental, or planned by God?

    Half the garbage which passes for art these days looks like a random
    assortment of trash to me. A dog walks through a puddle of paint and
    across a sheet of paper. Can this be differentiated from modern art?

    By looking at a boat can you tell if it was built upside down or right
    side up?

    Recently, a Rembrant (?) that had been hanging in a musem for many years
    was determined (claimed?) to be a fake.

    Propose a method of determining a design process. Are you thinking of
    reverse engineering? I don't think these are the same.
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