Re: Anti-evolutionists use of quotes

Date: Tue May 02 2000 - 14:44:10 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: speculations"

    In a message dated 5/2/00 3:16:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    << My exposure to Steve is that he likes to take soundbites from the Internet,
     or skim through current literature and comment ad nauseum. Occasionally, he
     even has something interesting to say, but the signal-to-noise ratio seems
     to be too low for some of us.
     There seems something entirely proper about Steve arguing that people
     without competence in a field should have an equal voice.
     End rant.
     Don Frack

    The funny thing is, when I once commented sarcastically on a cut-and-paste
    piece worshipping the lawyer Phil Johnson posted by Steve, he informed me
    that he thought my emails were just full of ad homs and that he was going to
    filter mine out. I was so hurt.....

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