really big question

From: Cliff Lundberg (
Date: Sat Apr 08 2000 - 19:47:11 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: My policy on private creation/evolution debates (was Ah, it's 2d law time again (1/2) #1)"

    Stephen E. Jones wrote:

    >The really *big* question is why would *one* line of fish start preparing
    >under water all the requisites for an eventual life on the land, including
    >everything that was needed for "All amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
    >and humans" for the next "365 million years"? Sounds to me like the
    >forward planning of a far-sighted Intelligent Designer, not a `blind

    That *one* line of fish just happens to be the lungfishes, whose complex
    appendicular skeletons evolved into the various terrestrial limbs through
    reduction and distortion of their many primitive segments. If one doesn't
    begin with a bias toward teleology, the notion of 'preparing' has no appeal
    at all.

    --Cliff Lundberg  ~  San Francisco  ~

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