Re: Ah, it's 2d law time again (1/2) #1

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Sat Apr 08 2000 - 10:15:40 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: Ah, it's 2d law time again (1/2) #1B"


    >[BTW, I fail to understand the depth of the reaction that Stephen has had
    >to my use of the term 'bogus'. I still can't follow Stephen's reasoning
    >about the term having "emotional" connotations and implications of
    >"immoral" motives, etc. I truly didn't see my explanation of my choice
    >of the word as being any sort of "damage" control". Maybe the word has
    >more a more sinister and depraved connotation down under than it has
    >here. In the US the term is not so *personally* perjorative. It is used
    >more in an impersonal sense about things, not about people or their
    >motives. Since Stephen seems to have (for whatever reason) taken its use
    >so personally I apologize for having chosen the word. (It just seemed
    >such an apt characterization of these arguments.) So, Stephen, please
    >accept my apology here for any offense my characterization caused you.
    >This apology *is* an attempt at damage control.]

    David is being *extremely* conciliatory here. I consider it quite reasonable
    to use the word "bogus" regarding the arguments I've seen against evolution
    based on the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, when those arguments are false and
    their flaws have been pointed out many times. The word does not necessarily
    imply dishonest intent. My dictionary defines the meaning as "spurious _or_
    counterfeit" (my emphasis), and "spurious" is quite applicable here.
    However, if David wants to avoid any ambiguity in future, may I recommend
    the word "specious".

    And I find Stephen's self-righteous indignation over David's use of the word
    "bogus" quite amusing, coming from a man who thinks that Dennet was
    "protest[ing] too much" when he objected to being misrepresented.

    I think also that David has hit the nail on the head in his assessment of
    Stephen's position. It seems to me that Stephen is trying to use innuendo to
    imply that the 2nd Law is some sort of a problem for evolution, while
    refusing to state precisely the nature of this supposed problem, and
    equivocating by claiming that he is not arguing that "evolution violates the
    second law of thermodynamics" after all! I think it's time for Stephen to
    put up (state his argument) or shut up.

    I apologise to other subscribers for adding to the noise level by
    responding to Stephen's nonsense (when I said I wouldn't), but I find it
    very hard to keep quiet in the face of this sort of thing. And I can't even
    take it up with Stephen privately, because he threatened to post my emails
    to the reflector if I sent any more to him!

    Richard Wein (Tich)
    See my web pages for various games at

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