An introduction

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 16:42:04 EST

  • Next message: Tedd Hadley: "Re: Evolutionary history of rape"


    After lurking here for a couple of weeks, I'm just about to join in the
    discussion. I thought I'd briefly introduce myself first.

    I live in Bristol, England. My educational background is in maths (BSc in
    Statistics and Operational Research from the Universty of Manchester). I've
    worked mostly in software development, but also as a freelance technical
    translator (Russian to English).

    Since religion plays a large part in these discussions, I should mention
    that I'm an atheist, but not a card-carrying one. I was raised in
    progressive Judaism and have briefly tried other religions, but ultimately
    found no reason to believe in the existence of God. Nevertheless, there are
    two great mysteries of which I'm in awe: the existence of the universe (and
    its physical laws) and the existence of consciousness. Perhaps the latter
    will be less of a mystery once I've read Dennett's book "Consciousness
    Explained", which is next on my reading list.

    As you might expect from the above, I'm an "evolutionist", that is I think
    the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution is broadly correct. I consider
    creationism and ID to be pseudoscience, in a similar league to astrology,
    dowsing and Atlantis.

    Best wishes,

    Richard Wein (Tich)

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