Re: The two-`Adam' theory (was parabiosis? (was Stone Age man wasn't so dumb , etc))

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Tue Feb 22 2000 - 09:16:14 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Happy 191st, Mr.Darwin"


    I'm having trouble finding the time to answer Cliff's long post, so
    I am breaking it into chunks.

    On Sun, 20 Feb 2000 17:33:16 -0800, Cliff Lundberg wrote:


    >SJ>The two-`Adam' theory is supported by the fact that Genesis 1 and 2 are
    >>separated by the footer "These are the generations of the heavens and of
    >>the earth when they were created, " (Gn 2:4a AV), since that means that
    >>the "man" of Genesis 1:26-27 and the "Adam" of Genesis 2:20ff were on
    >>two separate source tablets.

    CL>Separate source tablets suggests separate authors, which would support
    >the view that Genesis was a compilation of similar texts, rather than being
    >one author talking about two different things.

    Agreed. But I made no claim that this was "one author talking about two
    different things". I am claiming that Genesis 1 and 2 had separate authors,
    but that Moses selected them and incorporated them into the book of
    Genesis as complementary accounts from different perspectives as
    designated by their colophon tablet footers of 1. "These are the generations
    of the heavens and of the earth when they were created" (Gn 2:4a AV) and
    2. "This is the book of the generations of Adam" (Gn 5:1 AV).



    "Meanwhile, Juliette and I had been invited to attend the celebration of the
    centenary of the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species, at the
    University of Chicago ... The preparations for the centenary celebrations
    were now in full swing, people arriving from many countries to render their
    homage to Darwin..." (Huxley J., "Memories II", [1973], Penguin Books:
    Harmondsworth, Middlesex UK, 1978, reprint, pp181-182)
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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