Re: The Kansas Science Education Standards

From: Susan Brassfield (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 14:40:05 EST

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: The Kansas Science Education Standards"

    >Susan Brassfield wrote:
    >>Australopithecus afarensis has a very apelike head but very humanlike hips
    >>and knee joints. It is clearly transitional between humans and an apelike

    Cliff Lundberg:
    >When are people going to realize that an intermediate form is not
    >necessarily a transitional form? There were various hominid species,
    >and it is extremely unlikely that each one evolved from another. It's
    >the same old error of trying to force known forms into evolutionary

    My answer to this is a pithy "so what?" The hominid family tree was clearly
    once much bushier than it is now. It really isn't necessary for A.
    afarensis to be directly ancestral to homo sapiens. It is clearly *between*
    and that is what must be concealed to preserve the fiction that there are
    no transitionals.



    For if there is a sin against life, it consists not so much in despairing
    of life as in hoping for another and in eluding the implacable grandeur of
    this one.
    --Albert Camus

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