Re: Where's the science?--AGAIN
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:50:08 EST

In a message dated 12/15/99 12:47:49 PM Dateline Standard Time, writes:

>Thus, ID (the Johnson et al form-imposing interventionist type) does have
>another rival -- a fully theistic worldview that has a high view of the
>Creation's formational capabilities.

Thanks for pointing this out (I stand corrected). However, keep in mind that
I focus on small-scale things. Thus, if we were to discuss the origin
of something like mitosis, the formational capability view that you
present (and which, I confess, greatly interests me) nevertheless
enlists the services of the blind watchmaker. On this scale, the
blind watchmaker is the only rival to the intelligent watchmaker, is
it not?

Of course, maybe one day the fully-gifted view you promote will
find it possible to terminate the employment of the blind watchmaker,
as perhaps part of being fully gifted will the be ability of watches to
self-assemble in terms of some basic undiscovered laws woven into
the fabric of reality. If that turns out to be true, both your version and
Johnson's version can claim victory as you rejected intelligent intervention
and Johnson
rejected the blind watchmaker's intervention. ;)
