Re: Where's the science?--AGAIN

Howard J. Van Till (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 19:49:29 -0500


"ID's real rival is the
blind watchmaker mechanism that is believed to be behind most/all
of evolution (the only other "designer" besides an intelligent agent)."


Phil Johnson's term "blind watchmaker mechanism" applies to a view that
could be held only by a person committted to the worldview of Naturalism.
Such a view admits no contribution of purposeful divine intention or

In contrast, the Fully Gifted Creation perspective entails the necessity of
purposeful divine intention and conceptualization in order that there be a
universe with a formational economy sufficiently robust to make something
as remarkable as evolution possible. Given this high view of the Creation's
God-given formational capabilities, there is no need for occasional
episodes of form-imposing intervention.

Thus, ID (the Johnson et al form-imposing interventionist type) does have
another rival -- a fully theistic worldview that has a high view of the
Creation's formational capabilities.

Howard Van Till