Re: All forms of science designed for discussion

glenn morton (
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 17:11:08 +0000

At 02:06 PM 12/4/99 EST, wrote:
>Glenn writes:
>>As I have pointed out before Denton is a theist which in my mind makes him
>>religious because he believes in a religious object--God.
>I think this is a terrible way to define 'religious.' I have known
>many God-believers whom I would never consider religious.
>That is, they believe in God, but live a life that is completely
>indistinguishable for a non-believer (haven't we all met people like this?)
>A better defintion of religious would include religious behavior -
>a life charcaterized by prayer, attendence to religious services,

That is something that is difficult to observe in someone from New Zealand
like Denton.

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

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