Re: Why assume a lie?

Susan B (
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 17:47:16 -0600 (CST)

> Huxter wrote:
>>Many moons ago, Bertvan posted frequently to the Internet Infidels evolution
>>board. She was quite certain evolution did not happen. In fact, she
>>to have 'proof' on a web page she operated. Upon visiting the page,
>>however,. all one saw was an essay on mental illlness. That disgusts


>It isn't an essay, Huxter. It's an entertaining true account of my
>psychoanalysis. It's also an argument against materialism.

not really. I read a huge chunk of it a few weeks ago. It's an account of an
early failed attempt to cure autism by psychotherapy with an occasional
break in the narrative for diatribes against "materialism" and amusing
stories of Freud's 100 year old attempts to understand the workings of the
human mind.

It tells a great deal more about you than it does about "materialism."

Peace is not the absence of conflict--it is the presence of justice.
--Martin Luther King, Jr.
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