Re: Complexity of life
Mon, 08 Nov 1999 19:48:55 +0000

HI Mike,

I have got so much e-mail that I haven't had time to get to this. I will
take on a couple of points.

At 09:49 PM 11/07/1999 EST, wrote:
>Of course, would it really surprise you to find that cell type
>numbers have not increased except among vertebrates?

Upon what do you base this suggestion? If you have data that says they
didn't, please present it. As I said earlier, we will not solve this issue
without data. Opinion, yours and mine, are meaningless.

>And I agree with all this. The question seems to be one of timing - just
>when were the dice loaded and how often? Now, I don't claim to know.
>But there does seem to be some suggestive data that causes me to
>suspect dice were loaded more recently than the origin of the

I believe, but can't prove, that God loaded the dice at the origin of the
universe. And that was all that was needed. What is the data of which you

>But there are no (or only very few) winners of the complexity
>prize apart from the vertebrates. That's the point. What made
>the vertebrates so much more lucky than any other phylum?

Actually it is only humans who are the ultimate winners. And this was by
design. IMO.

Apparently then, the route to human beings
>was atypical.

I believe (as I said in my post on the impotent God of the
anti-evolutinists, that God designed the biological system such that we
would evolve. That is why we are atypical.

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