Re: chance is incompatible with God's creation? (was Complexity of

Matthew Heaney (
Mon, 08 Nov 1999 11:07:00 -0500

> Like many of arguments in the Creation/Evolution debate, this one thrives on
> the ambiguity of the key word(s) - in this case "chance".

Any debate about whether "God is compatible with chance" is strictly a
theological debate. It has nothing to do with evolutionary theory.

--The new standards [for science curricula in Kansas] do not forbid theteaching of evolution, but the subject will no longer be included instatewide tests for evaluating students--a virtual guarantee, given therealities of education, that this central concept of biology will bediluted or eliminated, thus reducing courses to something like chemistrywithout the periodic table, or American history without Lincoln.

Stephen Jay Gould, Time, 23 Aug 1999