RE: throwing out the baby with the bathwater

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 11:40:06 -0700

> Chris
> Science can be a religion in the sense that people can try to hold
> "scientific" views on faith, and be dogmatic about them. But I think it
> worth mentioning that science itself cannot be a religion. It is a body of
> knowledge and an empirical method for discovering and validating that
> knowledge and more empirical knowledge.

JER: Actually, Chris, there are numerous senses in which people can take science
as a religion.

Which supports Chris's statement. People can try to hold scientific views on faith but science is not a religion by itself, at most a small part of it.

JER: I can spell this out if you'd like. But, e.g., many secular humanists take science to be something of a religion; certainly a replacement -for- religion.

"Something of a religion", "replacement for religion": None of these support the idea that science IS a religion.