RE: Are developmental biologists irreducibly densie?

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:42:17 -0500

Brian quoted Koons:

>Rob Koons [NTSE = Conference on Naturalism, Theism, and the
>Scientific Enterprise held at the University of Texas at Austin,
>February 20-23, 1997]

>#"If theistic science or intelligent design theory is to become
>#a progressive research program, it must do more than poke holes
>#in the evidence for Darwinism: it must acquire auxiliary hypotheses
>#about the intentions and preferences of the designer from which we
>#can generate specific, testable predictions and informative
>#explanations." --Koons

Considering that the Bible is the source of most Christian knowledge
about God, and further considering that the Bible does not speak of many
issues in biology, physics etc, exactly how are we to understand what
the intentions of the Creator was? Is each individual scientist allowed
to have his own divine revelation? What if they conflict? Who is
correct in such cases?

-- glenn

Foundation, Fall and FloodAdam, Apes and Anthropology