Re: Progress in evolution

Chris Cogan (
Sat, 29 May 1999 06:00:06 -0700

Complexity is not the real issue. Information-survival is. Complexity
arises, in some cases, as a result of its advantages in
information-survival. The human brain, complex or not, is able to process
information in ways vastly beyond the capacity of a cow's brain, in ways
that give it a tremendous advantage over what a human body with a cow's
brain would have. The ability to process information in such a sophisticated
way helps ensure the survival of the genes that give rise to this ability.

Such genes are especially lucky, because they have lucked upon building a
brain that is very powerful in its ability to help these genes survive.

But, their luck may be short-lived; when they enable us to create
technological replacements for them, they will, in effect, have brought
about their own obsolescence. But the essential information that they
carried (how to process information in a sophisticated way) will survive,
though in different media (minds, computers, books, etc.).

See my previous post (accidentally double-posted -- sorry), for more on this
aspect of evolution.
